전체 일정 및 강좌 설명

시간 주제 / 강사 / 내용 좌장
11:30 ~ 13:30 ( 장소: Andong Grand Hotel) Round Tables & Build and Disseminate an Innovative Sport Science Community ()
14:00 ~ 14:55 ( 장소: Andong Grand Hotel) Registration & Reception ()
14:55 ~ 16:30 ( 장소: Andong Grand Hotel) Symposium 1. Basic Exercise Science in Kinesiology Chair: Hyun-Chul Jung (Kyunghee Univ.), Jung-Hyun Kim (Kyunghee Univ.) ()
16:30 ~ 16:45 ( 장소: Andong Grand Hotel) Break  
16:45 ~ 17:50 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Joint Session between KISS and KSEP: Regional Sports Science & National Fitness Award Chair: Se-Jeong Park (Korea Institute of Sport Science) & Tae Bum Seo (Jeju Nat’l Univ.) ()
17:50 ~ 20:00 ( 장소: Andong Grand Hotel) Welcome Ceremony (현악4중주) Build and Disseminate an Innovative Sport Science Community & Banquet (120-150인분) ()
18:00 ~ 19:00 ( 장소: Andong Grand Hotel) Build and Disseminate an Innovative Sport Science Community ()
시간 주제 / 강사 / 내용 좌장
7:50 ~ 9:00 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Room 1. Symposium Hyun-Chul Jung (Kyunghee Univ.) ()
9:00 ~ 9:55 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Symposium 2. Applied Exercise Science in Kinesiology/Session 1 Clinical exercise Science for Kinesiology  
10:00 ~ 12:00 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Symposium 3. Joint Symposium between JSPFSM and KSEP /Session 2 New approached studies in Exercise Science ()
11:30 ~ 13:30 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Lunch Time  
13:30 ~ 13:45 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Opening Ceremony ()
13:45 ~ 13:50 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Plenary lecture: Exercise Science for a better tomorrow ()
13:50 ~ 14:30 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Key Modulators of Cardiovascular Health for a Better Tomorrow Sae Young Jae (Univ. of Seoul) ()
14:30 ~ 15:30 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Hybrid Poster session (70 min) ()
15:30 ~ 16:50 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Symposium 4. Exercise Physiology and Performance Enhancement/Session 3 Circadian Rhythms: Implications for Sleep, Metabolism, and Cardiovasucular Health (Online) ()
16:50 ~ 17:00 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Awards & Prize draws ()
17:00 ~ 18:00 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) 제 36차 정기총회 ()
시간 주제 / 강사 / 내용 좌장
8:00 ~ 11:00 Travels & Farewell  
11:00 ~ 12:00 ( 장소: Gyeongguk Nat’l Univ.) Closing